
Senin, 11 November 2019

building context in debating


As a proposition in a debate, you are required to setup a clear context of the debate; that is, to provide description about the problem(s) that the debate wants to solve (especially in a practical debate where you are expected to bring a set of policies). While you may have found what the problem is, to explain it in a well manner to your audience is sometimes difficult. Below are some approaches you can use to do it:
1.      Using facts and statistics
Outlining the facts or statistics of the problem(s) in the status quo allows you to create an urgent stance on your team; thus, allowing you to justify your action (which is the motion). In the debate about banning smoking, for example, you can bring facts about how many people become the victims of cigarette (how many die and suffer long-term diseases). It is always good to know one or two facts about the motion.
2.      Using simple, factual narrative
      If you don’t really know the facts about what is going on out there, using narrative can be an alternative. Using narrative involves telling vividly how bad the problem is without referring to numerical data to your audience. For example, in the motion, “THR the norm of individuals/authorities reaching out and actively stopping individuals from attempting suicide”, you can describe how bad it is when people actively attempt to save those who want to commit suicide. To do it, you can describe the awful feeling and psychological state of those attempting to suicide (for example by telling how traumatic it is to lose all family members due to certain accidents) and therefore saving them is only getting them back to stay in that traumatic condition.
3.      Using moral ground
Sometimes, using moral ground is a good way to kick off the debate. In using this approach, you need to explain a certain philosophy or idea and how it is not catered (available) in the status quo, and the motion is supposedly able to cater that idea. For example, in the motion of legalizing prostitution, you may explain how prostitutes do not get many of their rights & protections. In addition, you can also explain the wishy-washy stance of government in the status quo regarding prostitution. In Indonesia, for example, government actively conducts raids and sends them to correctional facilities in one hand, but on the other hand, still allows the building of localizations that become the place for them to work. By doing this, you show there is a moral stance that government has to take in this debate; that is, government has to protect the prostitutes because nevertheless, they are still common citizens having the right to be protected.  
1.      THW allow organ donation for profit
2.      THR the norm of individuals/authorities reaching out and actively stopping individuals from attempting suicide
In cases of suicide, we say on side of opening government that the victims who opt in to suicide are, in the vast majority of instances, at the very edge of their life. This means that they have probably been through years of depression. This means that they’ve probably been in which just makes them think that their life has no point to be living as a whole[H5] . The point in which you force them to not going to suicide because it’s the only way which they are able to opt out of their suffering is when you pull them back to the vicious cycle and you force them to go through every single trauma that have previously trapped them it’s where they cannot opt out from[H6] . Imagine, your family has died, your children has died in a car crash in which you are involved in. You are the driver, and maybe you are also disabled. Your duties are two things; firstly, you are disabled, therefore you cannot function normally; secondly, you are the cause of why your family has died to begin with. There is no point of you living your life knowing that your children already is not there, knowing that your wife in a car crash in which you cause[H7] . You say, look, “It doesn’t matter, there are other creature things in life,” is a direct insult towards the mentality of these individuals to begin with. We don’t think it’s fair to push them back into the vicious cycle. Hence, the stance from opening government is simple; is that we would like to give the choice for these individuals to choose suicide simply because it’s the life in which they should have autonomy over[H8] ….. So, there are two things I’d like to talk about in my speech. The first point I’m going to answer starting from PM is that what is the psyche of victims of suicide[H9] …….   
3.      THBT Google should notify the state authorities when anyone searches for resources that glorify or encourage suicide
Whatever liberal philosophy like dictates about the concept of suicide and modern world, there is something very wrong with the society that just comment “sad” about the 17 years old who hang herself in a room when nobody is looking. Each life loss is a problem, a tragedy, and a sadness itself, but we also consider as a government, the continuously increasing number or trend of life loss because of this kind of thinking that it’s okay for a person to take her own life upon her own decision because somehow the decision to take that instead of life is always a rational, respectable one[H10] . Within those grounds of proposition, we propose to you today that google should notify the state authorities when anyone searches for resources that glorify or encourage suicide[H11] . Today, state authorities in this motion would notify the family members or government officials depending on need and depending on the situation that a person might be contemplating suicide. And to define glorify or encourage suicide, is we say, either; a) they depict suicide in a positive way, for example say, that parents or friends will finally regret how bad they treated you, for example, if you commit suicide, such narrative as those. Second of all, we would also consider sites that provide explicit instruction on suicide[H12] . Now, we’re not talking about shutting down these sites because that is a separate issue altogether[H13] . But, we consider that the people repeating going to such sites is a clear sign that they may be contemplating suicide, and it’s good if they are not. But if there is repeated sign, we think the state has ground for intervention in this case because suicide is a unique problem in the SQ. Now, the proposition carry 3 burden of proofs; the first, is that there is a clear harm of suicide in society. Second, that the government has active interest in preventing suicide. And ultimately, this, our model, will save life[H14] . So, today proposition has 3 agreements; the first that we would justify the uniqueness of the situation in the face of privacy of information that this motion causes to question[H15] .  
POI: Will your side this policy for matters such as encouraging/glorifying domestic abuse or encouraging/glorifying terrorism?”.
Answer: “No, because in the cases of encouraging/glorifying domestic abuse/terrorism, there are so many different ways to regulate that, because domestic violence is not a secret, it’s something physical, it’s outside, and also terrorism is that way as well. There is more communication and concrete action that we do have matters to regulate that. But suicide is a secret one, it’s done within one private ground, often in one’s room, and it’s increasing isolated society within one’s own mind without any chance to express his or her own fear. That’s why we believe today that this is a unique situation.
[H16] The second argument…

A.    Facts & Statistics
“Ladies and gentlemen, in 2006, WHO estimated that 26% male died in the developing world because of smoking. We on side of proposition think it’s a terrible problem to see, and we need to do something about it.”
B.     Moral Ground
“We think there is a problem in the way people regard the right of individuals. There is something wrong when people say that they have a right to smoke when in fact that results in the devastating diseases to them, even leading to death.”

 [H1]Facts and statistics about the problem. 

 [H2]Creating urgency to act.

 [H3]Defining the motion context


 [H5]Showing the narrative (the feeling of the victims of suicide)

 [H6]The problem identification of SQ

 [H7]The factual narrative of the feeling of suicide’s victims



 [H10]Using moral ground to save individuals/life as opening




 [H14]Stating the BoPs


 [H16]Asking and Answering a POI (clarification) on the model

(Hengki Agus Rifa’i)

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